As we all know, we cannot bring the dead back to life again. After the war, no matter how many times you attack or defend against your enemy, there will be casualties. TH8 War bases play a crucial role in protecting your resources and trophies from attackers. So it would be good to take time before wars start and design a th8 war base that offers you protection before your opponent launches their attack.
TH8 War Base Copy Link
I admit that during war, it is very easy to find something that works and use it. But you cannot always rely on this. I have come across many town hall 8 war bases in my clan which have less than 300 defense left even after the war. The reason was only because they relied on certain strategies instead of designing a solid th8 war base.
This article will share some impressive th8 war bases that I have seen over the past few months and hopefully inspire you to design your own war base or improve on your current one.
Best TH8 War Base 2024
Best TH8 War Base 2024
This is an example of a town hall 8 war base that projects its own image in terms of protection and traps. The dark green compartment will lead to the barbarians at the beginning while the other one contains poison spells which will damage troops when they cross through it. This ensures no hog rider will reach this far into the core.
Clash of Clans Town Hall 8 War Base Anti Everything
Town Hall 8 War Base Anti Dragon
This is another unique design that is currently being used by many players in the top leagues at Town Hall 8. The compartments are relatively big but there is no space for your enemy to build their funneling structures either, which will save you a lot of resources and time! The clan castle is also centralized for easy defense.
Town Hall 8 War Base Anti 3 Star Link
Undefeated Town Hall 8 War Layout
This is a very defensive base that was set up against the heavy troops in Clan Wars. We know that when the maxed troops are present, it will be able to take out at least 50% of your structures unlike any other troop. To prevent this from happening, the inside of the war base is filled with traps to take out any troop that can fly. The double giant bombs and mortars do a great job in taking out any air troop as it approaches your base!
Anti 1 Star Town Hall 8 War Base with Download Link
Unbeatable Town Hall 8 War Layout Base
This design works very well against giants (and hogs, probably), as you can see in my image. The traps and bombs secure the outside, while the air defenses (archer towers, wiz towers) make sure no air troop will penetrate.
COC Anti 2 Star Town Hall 8 War Base Link
Best TownHall 8 War Layout Copy Link
Clash of Clans Town Hall 8 War Base
This is a very common design that we encounter often in Clan Wars. I like that the entire core of this design is filled with traps and bombs, which will take out a whole army very quickly. However, if you notice the 4th compartment on the right side, it is not completely covered by buildings! This allows air troops to enter that compartment from the back side. If you encounter 3 or more air troops in Clan Wars, there is a chance that your troops might get taken out before they even reach the core.
Best TownHall 8 War Base Link Anti Queen Walk
Anti 2 Star Town Hall 8 War Design
This design is also very common in war bases found in higher leagues throughout Town Hall 8. This base works well against any troop because of the centralized clan castle which will draw all your army to one point! With so many hidden traps and wiz towers, this design is perfect for protecting your base. Upgrading as always is the same as other Coc bases 2024.
Town Hall Level 8 War Base Layout Anti Lavaloon
Town Hall 8 War Base Anti Everything
This war base is currently being used by many players in higher leagues at Town Hall 8. It is very effective because the compartments are relatively big and there is no space for your enemy to build their funneling structures, which will save you a lot of resources and time! The clan castle is also centralized for easy defense.
Best Town Hall 8 War Base Anti Hog
War Base Town Hall 8 Anti 1 Star
This design has been used by many clans throughout Town Hall 8 because of the double giant bombs in the core of your base. There are 2 entrances to your base where troops can be deployed so you can easily funnel them with your clan castle troops.
Best Town Hall 8 War Base Anti Balloons Copy Link
COC TH8 War Base Links Anti Dragon
War Base Town Hall 8 Anti 3 Star
This war base is very effective against opponents and it works well with all troop compositions because of the centralized Clan Castle and air defense placement! This will always force your enemies to attack from one side, allowing you to easily funnel them with your clan castle troops.
Best TH8 War Base Anti All Troops
Best War Base TH8
This design is very effective against hog attacks in higher leagues because of the double giant bombs (DGBs) in the core of your base. There are 2 entrances to your base where troops can be deployed so you can easily funnel them with your clan castle troops. If you notice, there is also an air defense placed at the back right corner of your base to take out any hogs that survived.
COC TH8 War Layout Anti Valkyrie Pekka with Link
Clash of Clans Town Hall 8 Max War Base
Clash of Clans TH8 War Layout with Copy Link
COC Anti Ground TH8 War Base Link
Anti Air TownHall 8 War Base
Town Hall 8 War Base Best Defense Layout Link
Town Hall 8 Clan War League Base
COC TH8 War Layout Base Copy Paste
CWL Town Hall 8 Layout Copy Link Anti GoWiPe
Town Hall 8 ESL Base with Link
Undefeated TH8 War Bases Design HD Images With Copy Link
Unbeatable Town Hall 8 War Layout Base Link
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