Hello guys! In this post I have compiled 10 of my favorite and best builder hall 3 base. All of these bases work great when paired with a max level defense, and some even work well when slightly under leveled.
If you want to be successful in Builder Base 3 I recommend finding a base that works best for you and sticking to it! Using the bases I have used in all of my successful attacks should help you out.
Remember that these are just suggestions, they will not always work against every meta base, but using them as inspiration for your own designs is a great way to get started.
So without further ado, here are the 10 best builder hall 3 base:
Builder Hall 3 Base 2025
This is a very simple and effective base, the only thing you need to watch out for is barbarian king. If your opponent’s clan has many troops in it then this base will not work so well. It is easily one of the best bases to use when you are just starting out because it requires no buildings or heroes, only troops.

Best Builder Hall 3 Base
This base works well against lots of barbarian and archer attacks, but can also do reasonably well against any troops (especially if you have a hidden tesla within range). I would recommend upgrading archer towers and upgrading workers as well. Once maxed, this base can work against any attack if you have the right troops to counter it.

BH3 Base Layout
This is a pretty simple base as well, but has quite a few tricks up its sleeve. The best part about using this base is that hidden tesla and traps do not need to be re-armed. This makes your base much more efficient, especially if you plan on pushing trophies.
COC Bh3 Base Layout Link
I recommend upgrading archer towers, then workers, and then finally the rest of the mines. This base works great with level 5-6 king barbarian and archer queen, but can fall short against mass troops. You should also look into having a level 1 crusher amongst the heroes because it will make your opponent’s decision to attack or not very difficult; however, if the enemy has barbs already placed then this base will work much better.
Good Builder Hall 3 Base
If you don’t like the first two bases then this is a great alternative. This base is very similar to the BH3 maxed base and can provide an almost equal amount of protection as its sister, but what makes this base stand out is its ability to defend against the queen charge (especially when maxed with a double cannon and archer tower). This base also has a lower cost which makes it more effective in some cases.
Best Bh3 Base Defense
Upgrading works exactly the same as the previous base, but you may want to upgrade your cannon and archer tower first. This base also works well against all trypes of army.
Builder Hall 3 Base Anti 1 Star
Another builder hall 3 base! What makes this one a bit different is that it has a level 4 cannon and archer tower, which yields the most value for its high upgrade cost. This base works great against raged barbarian and sneaky archers but can have some trouble with battle machine.
TH3 Builder Base Layout
Upgrading as always is the same as other clash of clans bases. However, you may want to space out your firecrackers just a bit more because they can become quite expensive to repair after several raids. This base is best used against low level army but does poorly against giants.
Builder Hall Base 3 without Crusher
This base is almost the exact same as the previous base (there is a mine in between each cannon and archer tower) but it has a level 5-6 crusher. This makes for a very powerful defense when combined with a spring trap; however, this base does take up quite a bit of housing and you must also be prepared to upgrade.
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