“Welcome to my TH4 War Bases Design Guide. This article focuses on the TH4 war base layouts and will help you with your war strategy and placing troops in a way that maximizes offensive potential while also ensuring maximum protection for resources and trophies.”
“In the first part we looked at anti-3 star th4 base layouts, so I’ll start by giving you an overview of the rules I included for that article.”
Best TH4 War Base 2025
“Rule #1: The base should prevent attackers from reaching the core with Balloons.
This rule is pretty straightforward, but it’s important to make sure that your archer towers are well-positioned and the surrounding buildings (mortars, air defense etc.) are well-placed in order to prevent attackers from killing your troops. If you’re not able to achieve these requirements, the base will be very hard (or even impossible) to 3 star.”
TH4 War Base Anti Everything
“Rule #2: The base should make it difficult for attackers to reach the core with wizards. Just like rule #1 this rule is pretty straight-forward and requires that your archer towers are well-positioned. Also, having an “empty” defense for the wizards to target helps a lot too because it will force the attacker’s troops to take more damage than they normally would.”
Town Hall 4 War Base Design
“Rule #3: The base needs to have proper funneling. For this rule it’s very hard to give you a set of guidelines, because this depends on your attacking troops composition. A good idea is to just start with the outside buildings and work up from there.”
Best TH4 Attack Strategy
Best TH4 Base Dark Barbarian
COC TH4 Base Anti Everything
COC Town Hall 4 War Base Layout
“Rule #4: The base should be well-rounded enough to defend against any attack composition. It’s important that your air defenses are covering both air and ground and your traps are well-placed to make it as difficult as possible for the attacker to break into the core. This rule is especially important because we’re looking at town hall 4 war base layouts which means that we’ll be seeing a lot of different and random attack compositions and therefore this rule will help you mirror those attacks.”
Best Town Hall 4 Base Anti Giants
Anti 1 Star Town Hall 4 War Base Copy Link
“Rule #5: The layout needs to be different from the th4 war base design you’re using currently. This rule is especially important because it will help prevent attackers from using their previous attack strategy against your new town hall 4 war base.”
“These are the rules I’ve used when creating the anti-3 star layouts for this article, but feel free to keep in mind any other rules that fit your current war strategy. Now we’re going to look at the layouts and talk about their strengths and weaknesses.”
TH4 War Base Anti Giant and Balloon
“For this article I chose not to go with any specific style like funneling or symmetric, but rather use a mix of different styles and for each layout create a unique “path” for the attacker’s troops. This means that the paths will be different depending on what side of the map you’re attacking from and I’ve tried to mimic that in my images as well. You can click the images to view them in full size.”
“Here’s a quick overview of what we’ll be looking at: ”
Clash of Clans Town Hall 4 War Design
“This is a great war base because it gives you the opportunity to use all of your walls and traps while also protecting your resources. The outer ring of defenses covers everything from outside buildings to your town hall, so the only place that attackers will be able to reach with Hogs/Witches is inside the core.
Also, the ring of wizard towers that protect the core makes it a lot more difficult for attackers to funnel their troops into the core because they have to break through a ring of walls first. If you’re using a shield, you can easily switch this base with one of your favorite farming bases because there’s no wasted space and everything is well-protected.”
War Base Town Hall 4 With Copy Link
“This is a fun anti-3 star base because it has an interesting layout and works great against most attack strategies. I designed the outside buildings so that they would help use all of your traps and walls effectively, while also protecting your resources. You can start building up from the middle in order to make it harder for attackers to reach your Town Hall (or the other way around) and this will help protect your town hall if you’re being attacked from the east side of the map. COC bases 2025 about of twon halls everything is available on GBpluss.net.
Best TH4 War Bases Link
The important thing is that even if they are able to break through, there are no straight paths into the core so Hogs/Witches have a very hard time taking out all of your defenses. The anti-air coverage is great and it’s going to be difficult for attackers to avoid being attacked by the wizard towers so if they decide to bring dragons along, they’ll have a tough time breaking through.”
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my article.
COC TH4 Max Levels
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