Today I’m going to be moving away from the normal guides and instead look at a few examples of what makes a good th7 war base. We will take a couple of CoC th7 war bases and go through them, piece by piece, in full detail.
Best TH7 War Base 2025
This war base has several things that make it effective. The first thing I want to look at is the double Giant Bomb placement in front of Town Hall. If there are several high troops creating a funnel for the giants, they will detonate both Bombs before getting into range of the Town Hall, thus destroying most or all of those units with no damage being dealt to the base itself. Even if there aren’t any funnel troops, this is still a very solid defense.
Undefeated TH7 War Base Layout
The next anti-funnel feature we see is the defending barbarian king hiding behind the wall segment at X:4 and Z:4. Troops will not target him as long as he stays behind it; they also suspect nothing of walking past or even up to the segment. Which brings us to the next hidden defense.
Best TH7 War Base 2025
Town Hall 7 War Base Anti Everything
The king is also camping just outside of range at X:5 and Z:-3. He will be able to attack units that are funneling or are distracted by units in front, taking them out with little trouble. The only way they would be able to target him is if they somehow manage to get past the double giant bombs, which would be very unlikely.
Town Hall 7 War Base Anti Dragon
The defending hero is also hiding under an Archer Tower. He will (like the other heros) target any non-healing units that make it past the giant bombs, but unlike the other defense he will in turn be targeted by enemy units. Therefore, in order to get the most effective use out of it, you should place them in a location where they can be healed (ideally with another Archer Tower nearby).
Town Hall 7 War Base without Barbarian King
This final hidden defense is actually quite obvious; the defending cc troops are sitting in the corner. They will be able to target enemy units that make it past the double giant bombs, but in turn will be targeted by them. Like with the previous defense, placing in a location where they can heal will increase their effectiveness.
Town Hall 7 War Base Layout Anti Dragon and Hogs
So there you have it, 4 different ways that this base defends against troops trying to funnel into the core. The first thing that a potential attacker should notice when they go for this base is the giant bombs next to Town Hall. If they decide to ignore those and run up anyway, the defending king should pick them off easily. Clash of clans 2025 are different town hall very difficult, but not impossible mission.
Unbeatable Town Hall 7 War Layout Base Link
Anti 3 Star Town Hall 7 War Base
This one looks quite different from our first example, but it still holds up quite well. First, we can see that the Town Hall is wall-protected on 3 sides by storage buildings. This makes it difficult for troops to get into the core, requiring them to funnel through X:3 Y:7 (which is somewhat difficult due to Archer Towers). Any units that do make it here will be picked off by the defending troops.
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