I’m here today to talk about th7 farming base in Clash of Clans. I’ll be covering why you need them, when to build them, and what to build for both TH7 and TH8 players (and eventually go into detail on how to design your own).
Best TH7 Farming Base 2025
I’ve personally climbed the leaderboards quite a bit in my time playing CoC bases, and a lot of the times I’ve topped out was due to high resource raids. My attack strategy basically consists of dropping a dragoon or balloons at the outside storage, going around the base until I found a target, and then using drags/balloons to clean up.
It’s not difficult, but it does require that your resources are high enough to load a few drags. And, as you can imagine, it’s pretty frustrating when I go up against a player for a leaderboard spot and find out that they didn’t bother going into the last day of war – or simply had all their troops donated away from them.

Max Town Hall 7 Farming Base Copy Link
Town Hall 7 Farming Base Anti Dragon
I don’t know why these players decide to not put any effort into the last day – I’ve heard arguments both for and against (mostly along the lines of: “I don’t care about my rank because I’ve already maxed out”, and, “I’m going to need all my troops for war – but check back with me tomorrow”).
Regardless, if you want to win wars at any level – you need to put at least some effort into your farming (the exception would be if you’re maxed and don’t want to lose trophies).
As I’ve said before, I like building my th7 farming bases around an idea or strategy, which is what we’ll do here as well.
Clash of Clans Town Hall 7 Farming Layout Copy Link
COC TH7 Anti Loot Base
Farming Base TH7 with Copy Link
For TH7 players, their main income is still going to be farming. Upgrading defenses won’t take nearly as long, but there are some benefits of having your farming up early (gems for one). Some good bases at TH7 include:
This design has everything organized neatly in specific areas. It puts the dark elixir deep in the core of the base, and spreads out collectors evenly. This is a good design for any TH7 farming base but if you’re worried about 3 stars, move up to designing your own.
Best TH7 Farming Base 2025
Anti 1 Star Farming Base Town Hall 7
Clash of Clans TH7 Farming Base
As I’ve mentioned previously; most people will only ever need one kind of town hall 7 farming base, and it’s designed around what they think they need. This next base is slightly different in that it’s designed to protect your loot, while also making sure everything else gets two storages worth of loot.
Clash of Clans Town Hall 7 Farming Base with Link
Town Hall Level 7 Farming Base
This design has a lot of things coming together nicely. It puts all the dark elixir in the core which you’d want for protecting it – but even if they get into the core, all the rest of your loot is safe. This base wouldn’t work as well if you were to put all your gold in storage (besides having it centralized), because troops will walk through the core and bust open every single compartment – getting everything. Putting it next to your Town Hall also makes it difficult for troops like hogs to get around, since they’d have to go all the way around.
Clash of Clans Town Hall 7 Farming Base Anti Everything
Best Town Hall 7 Defense Farming Base
Farming Base Best TH7 Anti 3 Star
COC Town Hall 7 Farming Base Copy Paste
Best Town Hall Level 7 Farming Base
As for the TH7 farm base, there are a lot of new things coming into play here. Upgrading your defenses will take longer than before, so you’ll want to focus more on protecting your collectors with the larger amount of loot in play. This base takes advantage of the centralized dark elixir in the core, while still protecting your collectors. It does this by putting all defenses around your core to cover any troops walking past your town hall; which will allow them to get to all four outside storages (and then into your core). This design would be good for defending against hog attacks and controlling where the hogs riders go with elements outside your core.
COC Town Hall 7 Farming Base Anti 2 star
Clash of Clans Level 7 Loot Protection Base Link
Gold and Elixir Protector Level 7 Link
Town Hall 7 Farming Base Anti Everything
This base does a good job of protecting your collectors while still keeping some loot safe in storage. Putting wall segments around them is also an effective strategy if you find yourself dying to mass dragons (which tend to clump up on one side). The way this base spreads out collectors means that if they do breach the core, they’ll have to make another run at it – giving you more time to react.
Best Town Hall 7 Farming Map Copy Link
Centralized Town Hall 7 Farming Design Link
Unbeatable TH7 Farming Base with Link
Farming Base TH7 without Barbarian King
This base is also designed around protecting your resources. Putting an empty space in front of it forces troops like hogs or valks to pick one side or the other since they can’t go straight to the loot. Because there are alot of defenses around the base.
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