I don’t know whether the term “th12 farming base” is used often in the CoC community or not, so I will define it here. If you are familiar with farming bases, feel free to skip this section. Farming is a game mechanic that allows players to quickly repeat an action (usually clearing out normal enemies) for resources (ie., gold, elixir, dark elixir). Players can use these resources to upgrade their town hall (thus allowing them to progress further into the game), build troops, upgrade troops, buy spells/heroes, or simply stockpile for future use.
I am writing this article because of two reasons:
1) To make farming bases more accessible to new players.
2) To provide players looking to farm lots of loot with a wide variety of bases from which they can choose.
Best TH12 Farming Base 2025
Whether you are trying to raid for trophies or increase your trophy count (for the gems), farming is a great way to make sure you don’t fall behind your teammates. Note, however, that farming will not give an equal reward to attacking equivalent bases (ie., if you attack someone one town hall level lower than you, you receive 1/2 the resources you would normally get).
TH12 Anti All Troops Farming Base
Clash of Clans Town Hall 12 Farming Base with Link
Level 12 Farming Design with Copy Link
Town Hall 12 Farming Base Design
What’s important is that if you want to be as efficient as possible (ie., spend as little time as possible and get the most loot you can), you need to find bases that are 1. 2-3 levels lower than your own, or 2. Have lots of storage space, or 3. Have no Xbows, inferno towers, or bombs towers protecting them.
Farming Base Town Hall 12 Clash Of Clans
Clash of Clans Town Hall 12 Farming Base Anti Everything
Excellent Town Hall 12 Farming Layout Link
Clash of Clans TH12 Farming Base Layout
In this article I present to you an assortment of bases from which to choose from when looking for a spot to farm. Each base is accompanied by an image in which I show the setup of the base, attack it with my war army, then show you the loot that I get from it. You can skip these images if you’d like to get straight to choosing your farming spot.
Max Town Hall 12 Farming Base Copy Link
Clash of Clans Town Hall 12 Farming Layout Copy Link
TH12 Farming Base Link
Also included in this article are links to other clash of clans bases articles which contain even more bases for you to choose from.
COC TH12 Anti Loot Base
Anti 1 Star Farming Base Town Hall 12
Town Hall 12 Farming Layout Anti Everything
Now, now, now! Before you go on a rampage and use every single one of my bases, please take a minute to read the rules I have set forth for you before choosing a spot. They are as follows:
All bases must be farming bases. This means that each base either has lots of loot, lots of storage, or no Xbows.
Best Town Hall 12 Defense Farming Base
Farming Base Best TH12 Anti 3 Star
COC Town Hall 12 Farming Base Copy Paste
TH12 Loot Protection Farming Base
The bases you choose must not be in the same league as your own (this is mainly for consistency). Also, try to avoid choosing bases that are more than one town hall level lower than you – otherwise it won’t be very efficient.
Remember, both these rules can be broken if you really really want to. After all, the only reason I’m posting this blogspot is so that you can have more farming spots to choose from.
Clash of Clans Level 12 Loot Protection Base Link
COC Town Hall 12 Farming Base Anti 2 star
Gold and Elixir Protector Level 12 Link
Best Town Hall 12 Farming Map Copy Link
TH12 Loot Protection Farming Base
Note that these accounts are in different leagues (I play in all three of them interchangeably), and that I chose bases from these threads mostly based on how much loot they had, or whether or not their xbows were in a position which made farming difficult. As such, it doesn’t follow that a base in a specific league will have the same loot as a base from another league – so when choosing your own farming spots, choose ones from within your own leagues.
Centralized Town Hall 12 Farming Design Link
Farming Base Town Hall 12 Layout
Also, please note that all bases (especially 3-starring them) can be affected by the new update which makes it so troops target buildings based on where they are standing. Because of this, some th12 may find it difficult to th11 farm because their xbows are now intermingled with teslas.
TH12 Farming Base 3 Inferno
I hope everyone finds these bases useful in their farming efforts! Good luck out there! Also, if anyone has any requests for certain kinds of bases (ie., bowler bases, witch slap bases, etc.), please leave a comment in the comments section.
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