Before we get into these bases, let’s go over the important things to look for in a th4 hybrid base.
- Trophy potential (how well can it defend against trophy push attacks? does it let the attacker get trophies or is it good enough that your opponent will not want to attack you)
- Defensive capabilities (does the base have a reasonable core, proportionally correct amount of storages and collectors, good splash defence from wizard towers?)
- Space for future expansion (how much loot can I get before the base stops being efficient? where are the next set of collectors/mines going to be placed etc)
- So now that we have covered what you should be looking for in a TH4 hybrid base, let’s get into the actual bases.
TH4 Hybrid Base Link
The first thing you should be looking at in any base is the core. The core of your base is basically everything inside your walls so yes, that means storages and collectors are part of it too. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind when designing your base is that your loot should be inside the core so layouts with tightly packed cores will have more problems protecting their resources.
Now let’s go over some of my favourite th4 hybrid bases:
COC Townhall 4 Hybrid Base
Many people will immediately recognize this one, it’s basically a very popular trophy pushing design but also works great for farming if your town hall is far enough away (you can put like half of the storages into walls)
Clash of Clans Townhall 4 Hybrid Base Layout
I found this base recently and added it because I really liked the way it’s built, especially when you see all the storages in the core.
Town Hall 4 Hybrid Base Anti Everything
This is another popular choice right now, not too amazing for farming but very good when protecting your trophies and it’s really easy to get gold and elixir with this base since the core is so compact.
Anti 3 Star Town Hall 4 Base Layout
I like this base because it’s very easy to protect your main buildings and the core is also not too big. Also another popular base right now but you really need a town hall that can defend against hog riders or you will get attacked a lot. This is another one that I like because it’s very compact and easy to protect your village’s main area.
Best TH4 Hybrid Base 2025
Finally this is my favourite Coc bases 2025 at the moment, very good for protecting your trophies and if your base can’t use those storages or collectors it’s even better because you have a bunch of loot available to raid.
Latest Townhall 4 Hybrid Base Design
This one didn’t get too much attention at the moment but really works great for protecting your trophies and it’s easy to get resources with since storages and collectors are not in the core.
Hybrid Base Town Hall 4 Anti 1 Star
The next thing we should look at is how you place your storage and collectors:
The biggest mistake you can make is to let your storages come out of the main defences, this means that if your archer or air defense goes down your entire base can be wiped out by air attacks easily.
The second biggest mistake is having purely symmetrical storage placement, all it does is split up resources between upper and lower bases instead of concentrating them in one section, this helps make 3 stars easier for attackers.
Unbeatable Town Hall 4 Base Copy Link
The third biggest mistake is putting collectors outside of your walls, having a bunch of exposed collectors makes it easy to 3 star you.
So basically what I want you to take away from this article is that you should always have a compact core with a reasonable amount of storage and collectors inside. It’s also a good idea to spread your storages around so that you don’t lose them all at once if one of the defensive structures goes down and lastly make sure you always protect your loot (unless it gets too much out of hand).
I hope you enjoyed this article th4 hybrid base layout, see you next time!
Best TH4 Hybrid Base Copy Link 2025
Best Town Hall 4 Hybrid Layout with Link
Best Town Hall 4 Hybrid Base Link Anti Everything
Clash of Clans Level 4 Hybrid Base Link
Clash of Clans TH4 Hybrid War Base 2025
Hybrid TH4 Farming Base Copy Link
Hybrid Base Trophy Pushing 2025
COC Town Hall 4 Hybrid Layout Link
Hybrid Base Town Hall 4 Copy Link
Clash of Clans Town Hall 4 Hybrid Base Anti 2 Stars
Clash of Clans TH4 Hybrid Anti 3 Stars Base Link
Town Hall 4 Hybrid Defense Base
Anti All Troops Town Hall 4 Hybrid Base
Clash of Clans Town Hall 4 Hybrid Base Layout Designs
Good Town Hall 4 Hybrid Base Anti Electro Dragon
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